Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 05/12/2018

Namesort descending Role

Examining board:

Namesort descending Role
TACIANA DE LEMOS DIAS Internal Examiner *

Summary: The National Program of Student Assistance (PNAES), created through Decree Nº.
7,234 /2010, was a landmark in educational and affirmative policies already developed
by the federal government, which in general aims to provide assistance to students
with low income family per capita of up to 1.5 minimum salaries), aiming at improving
their academic performance, allowing them to stay in undergraduate courses until the
conclusion of the course. The purpose of this study was to study the influence of the
Student Assistance Program of the Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES) on
the academic performance of students assisted to the unattended who joined in 2013,
grouped according to their expectation of graduation (Group 1 and 2). Group 1 with
temporary qualification for graduation and Group 2 with temporary insufficiency for
graduation. In the descriptive research, of quantitative character, Group 1 was
analyzed the incidence of students graduated, escaped and retained. While in Group
2, it was sought to evidence the existence or not of significant differences related to
academic rhythm through the statistical method of analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Based on the analyzes, it was possible to identify robust evidence when examining the
index of graduation, avoidance and retention, a result that corroborates the positive
influence exerted by the student assistance program in force at the university.
Relevance was not decisive only when the analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used
based on the students' academic rhythm. However, when analyzes were restricted to
the group of students assisted, it was verified how challenging the scenario is still in
search of excellence in public higher education, and student assistance. As a result,
the enrollment, dropout and retention rates registered were respectively 32.28%,
27.91% and 39.81%. As a technical product resulting from this dissertation, a
document was prepared with the proposal of indicators and reports in order to enable
the monitoring and academic follow-up of the students assisted. Finally, it is recorded
that this dissertation was developed in line with the line of research Management of
Operations in the Public Sector.

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