Publication date: 02/07/2020

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Summary: Introduction: The reflection of motivation to work raises one of the main challenges that permeate the context of public associations in the 21st century: organizational efficiency. In this sense, the investigation of motivation proves to be congruent with the adoption of strategies aimed at stimulating human behavior, capable of providing the workforce to achieve the goals. Problem: The consequence observed in environments with employees shows low levels or loss of motivation and organizational inefficiency. Given this perspective, this dissertation is based on the dualistic epistemology of Frederick Herzberg (1987), whose theoretical foundation is convergent to the objective of selecting alternatives that contribute to the process of creating federal public servants in a Higher Education Institution (HEI) A methodological approach allows to identify a set of elements intrinsic and extrinsic to the load, which shows influence on the motivation to work. In addition, an application of a survey with a sample of 96 employees showed the most expressive factors in the researched unit. After the differentiation of the selected elements, or the process of submission to the multi-criteria method, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), from the hybrid analysis (qualitative-quantitative) showed alternatives focused on performance in the public service. The results shows that the human development associated with the development of leaderships boosted essential factors to stimulate human capital.These findings enabled to make a Technical Product, entitled “Motivation in the Public Service: a proposal for improving data integration in management”, which contributes to general managers of higher education institutions, especially on the relevance of developing actions aimed at strengthening the motivation of civil servants developed under the 2nd Research Line "technology, operations and innovation in the public sector" in compliance with the 3rd Structural Project "final actions and programs and government support", which will be directed to the directors of the research unit for the purposes of subsidiary managers and to outline courses of action aimed at stimulating the workforce in the federal HEI studied.

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