Publication date: 05/08/2020

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Summary: Introduction: With the evolution of society, human capital has become for organizations a relevant factor to organizational development, It´s making the areas of people management and organizational behavior have become an object of growing social interest, and a concern in management processes. Among the main subjects of this theme about quality of life, they have quality of life at work (QoLW) and organizational climate. The theme quality of life has large social relevance, creating rise to ramifications such as QoLW, which is focused on the individual's labor performance, with the objective of adopting measures to facilitate or generate satisfaction and well-being to the worker satisfaction in performing their tasks, therefore, it is an important management tool. The organizational climate is a managerial tool to analyze, among other variables, leadership, interpersonal relationships, acknowledgment, reward, which influence the level of satisfaction among members of the institution. The problem is that, considering that public servants are agents that promote progress and results, it is essential that they know the importance of their work and are motivated, as their satisfaction is important so that the quality of their activities and teaching is ensured. Do not know this aspect is an impediment to the development of people management and the evolution of public administration. The assessment of QoWL and the organizational climate are potential instruments to assist in the solution of this problem, in order to improve the institution as a whole, looking for the well-being of the individual and the consequent better performance of workers. The main objective has correlated the QoLW with the organizational climate of the Undergraduate Deans´s Office workers in a University, identifying the level of satisfaction related to the perception of these variables. In theoretical terms, the research addresses a presentation of the main concepts and particularities used for the development of this research. Regarding methods and procedures, it was descriptive and analytical study, with quantitative and qualitative approach. The instrument for data collection was an instrument, in order to know the profile of workers, assess QoWL and the organizational climate from the perspective of workers. Forty public servers have participated in this study. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferences techniques to analyze and identify possible correlations between the variables under study. The results showed that there is a strong and positive correlation between QoWL and organizational climate, and the level of satisfaction of these variables was average. The dimensions that contributed most positively were QoWL “social integration and constitutionalism” and the “interpersonal relationship” of the organizational climate, reinforcing the importance of interpersonal relationships, integration and cooperation at work. The dimensions that contributed most negatively were QoWL “working conditions” and “organization and working environment” of the organizational climate, being seen as weaknesses of the institution. Based on the results, as a technical / technological product, a technical report was prepared containing the situational diagnosis about the QoWL and the organizational climate of the workers, with the purpose of supporting the institution in its affirmative actions, and which is also useful as a management tool to strengthen actions that promote QoWL and improve the organizational climate. The research was developed with in the Research Line 2 entitled "Technology, innovation and operations in the public sector", and it is inserted in the Structuring Project 3, entitled: "Actions and final programs and government support / support"

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