Publication date: 17/12/2020

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LOURENÇO COSTA Internal Examiner *

Summary: Introduction: Urban growth, the modernization of society and the valorization of spaces in cities have brought with them one of the greatest problems of humanity: the generation of large and varied volumes of solid waste. These wastes are imminent polluters, with serious consequences for the environment, health and the economy, if they do not receive the proper treatment. It is essential, for the good of all, that people become aware of the relevance of treating waste correctly, reducing its generation and/or reusing it to the maximum. Worldwide, there is interest in improving solid waste management systems, attending programs such as Zero Waste and not disposing of them in sanitary landfills. The recycling and reuse of solid residues are pointed out as possible solutions to the solid residues issue. The problem of this study is to investigate how to reuse and recycle the waste generated by the Serra do IFES Campus. This investigation was justified by the need to promote the correct management of solid waste generated by the Serra Campus, avoiding environmental degradation and minimizing the depletion of natural resources. Thus, the main objective was to elaborate the Solid Waste Management Plan of the Serra do IFES Campus. To this end, the following specific objectives were defined: to survey and classify the waste; to identify recycling and reuse techniques already used in companies, schools, those found in publications and in the ideas that emerged in meetings with the focus group; and, to analyze the techniques found to help the Serra do IFES Campus in the best use of its solid waste. In theoretical terms, the study is based on Institutional Theory, which seeks to understand the complexities existing in institutions that lead to isomorphic practices. The methodology in the study relied on a qualitative approach, characterized by descriptive research, using bibliographic and documentary research to raise the literature consonant with the scope of this work, and with the case study, to address the issue in the institution studied. The data collection took place through the in loco survey in the institution, in order to survey the residues generated by it. The focal group was also used as an instrument to survey recycling and reuse techniques. As for the survey of the techniques, bibliometry was used and, as for the analysis of the techniques, the Strategic Focal Analysis was used, together with the focal group, in order to define the techniques for the elaboration of the technical product. The results obtained provided the definition of the techniques that can be used in that campus, as well as those that can be used in the future, and also what should be done with the waste that cannot be reused or recycled by the campus. Based on the results, a Management Plan for the Solid Residues generated by the Serra Campus was prepared as a technical product.

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