Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 17/11/2020

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Summary: Public institutions have to develop the Open Data Plan to meet national policies for the active transparency of government actions and their data. The legislation regulates the policy, but it is up to each institution to plan how it will be prepared and implement its Open Data Plan. However, this planning presents itself as a major challenge for public institutions, such as federal educational institutes. To identify how planning, design and implementation has been developed in these institutions, it is necessary to identify best practices. There is a lack of knowledge on how to make the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo State adequate to national policies of active transparency of government actions and their data, case studied in this research. In this scenario, the research problem was defined as it follows: “How to develop the Open Data Plan for the Federal Education Institute?”. This research was justified by the existence, within the organization, of criteria for compliance with legal rules about data accessibility, in the interest of the civil society, which makes transparency ineffective. The main aim was to identify the necessary requirements for the development and implementation of an Open Data Plan for the Federal Institute of Education, which resulted in specific objectives: a) Identify, in the literature, the practices, models and difficulties for the development and implementation of the Open Data Plan and the application of laws for these purposes; b) Identify the aspects of legislation about open data in Brazil ; c) Analyze the methodological proposals and their criteria for data handling with efficiency and transparency and d) Identify the characteristics and needs of Ifes (Federal Institute of Education) as far as the implementation of an open data handling plan. The methods used, which were quantitative and qualitative, tried to review, mainly during the document research, the present legislation concerning the topic. We also analyzed the worldwide relation between transparency and government open data through a bibliometric study in a data base of recent issues of Web of Science journals. However, in order to verify the scenario of the Brazilian Federal Institutes of Education, we believed it would be convincing to use the systematic review protocol with the CAPES catalog of theses and dissertations in order to try to find, in literature, the implementation strategies of Open Data Plans registered by the authors, as well as the breakthroughs and difficulties found during this process. A diagnosis of the publications of Open Data Plans and of the body of open data of other institutions of education, made available by them, was done to make it clear the need to propose an improvement of the way people manage institutional open data. All these collection tools worked as the background for the gathering of requirements and development of the Open Data Plan and for the examination of the methodological proposals and the criteria for efficient and transparent data handling of the administration of the institute, in the form of open data. Thus, we proposed the technical/technological product and implemented it as the “Elaborated regulatory norm or framework: Open Data Plan of the Federal Institute of Education of the Espirito Santo State”, approved as a Resolution in the institution, adapted to the reality of a century-old institution, in conformity with the existing legal norms, which gave the society, public institutes and agencies unrestricted access to data and managing actions of the public administration, thus facilitating the control and the active participation of the society.

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