Promotion of Road Safety: potential and difficulties in the process of implementing intersectoral action.

Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 22/04/2021

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ROBSON ZUCCOLOTTO External Examiner *

Summary: Introduction: In the new paradigm of road safety, progress is being made to understand the need for a more integrative approach to traffic, which enables changes in the reality illustrated by high rates of accidentality and deaths. In order to face this problem, intersectorality was considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a management strategy capable of offering comprehensive responses to the complex problem of traffic accidents. From the 2000s onwards, WHO started to support initiatives in several countries, including Brazil, which have this new management strategy as their working reference. The point is that many institutions, especially those belonging to the National Traffic System (SNT), are not used to working in an intersectoral way. Traditionally, the transport and public safety sectors have been almost exclusively responsible for promoting road safety. With the new paradigm, it is advocated that the responsibilities in the process of preventing injuries and deaths in traffic should be shared with broad sectors of society, which indicates the need to improve management processes, with emphasis on sharing information, knowledge and experiences and interinstitutional dialogue. This research is part of this context and was guided by the following research problem: what challenges and difficulties arise in the process of implementing intersectorality to promote road safety? The objective was to understand the road safety management of the Federal Highway Police in Espírito Santo (PRF / ES) from an intersectoral perspective. The theoretical framework that supported the study was the complexity paradigm developed, mainly, from Edgar Morin (2011). It started from the premise that, in the light of complex thinking, it would be possible to understand the epistemological foundations of intersectoriality. As for the methods and procedures, the qualitative approach was adopted, configuring the research as descriptive. Data collection was carried out through interviews with managers responsible for PRF police stations in Espírito Santo, as well as the regional superintendent and the head of the Operations Section, totaling six participants. The interviews, recorded and transcribed, were analyzed in the light of the Collective Subject Discourse (DSC) method. The results revealed the existence of restrictive elements to the implementation of intersectoral actions, as well as the identification of facilitating aspects with the potential to positively interfere in the process. Regarding the difficulties, in general, the corporatism of people and organizations, the lack of knowledge of the partners` work methodologies and the use of intersectoral work to obtain personal self-promotion, are among the main barriers identified. On the other hand, among the assumptions capable of enhancing the process of intersectoral intervention are: the collective feeling that alone, without sectoral efforts, it is not possible to promote the right to safe transit: thus, greater engagement is needed to change the status quo; the recognition that the greater the interaction, the more strengthened the interinstitutional links will be, enabling more solutions to emerge. From the results, as a technical product, a preliminary project was prepared: Per Se Technical Report containing subsidies, proposals and strategies for the promotion and development of intersectoral road safety actions.

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