Perception of traffic safety in school areas: an approach using a multicriteria method

Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 26/08/2021

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Summary: Introduction: Schools are essential social structures for communities and, therefore, the efficient performance and safety of their environments has been the main goal of public managers, and must be designed in a systemic planning of efficiency and safety. Within this context, it is important that traffic safety around schools is investigated and, therefore, contributes to safe and sustainable urban mobility. Problem: In the Brazilian scenario, the National Traffic Department (DENATRAN) and the Ministry of Health have warned about traffic conflicts and risks of being run over around schools, due to frequent problems related to safety in most cities in the country. In a local context, the city of São Mateus (ES) registered high annual accident rates, with specific characteristics that serve as a warning to educational and traffic authorities about the risks in urban school areas. Given the budget constraint scenario, prioritizing security strategies becomes an important and complex management decision that, on the other hand, requires reliable methods to optimize financial resources allocations. Due to these reasons, this work had as main objective to use the perception of teachers, through a multicriteria method, to propose improvements in traffic safety in school areas. In theoretical terms, traffic management and the school environment were highlighted from the perspective of the public sector, being approached the multicriteria method Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), derived from Decision Theory, as a tool to support planning and decision making on traffic safety in school areas. As for the methods and procedures, the approach of this research was characterized as quantitative, with the proposition of a survey that received statistical treatment to provide arguments and discussions. Data collection was performed through the application of an online questionnaire applied to a population composed of teachers from the Municipal Public Education Network, in the city of São Mateus (ES). The results suggest that the Education strategy should be a priority and traffic inspection in school areas needs to be rigorous, through Notification to offending drivers, in order to ensure the safety in the use of roads and infrastructure by the stakeholders of the school community and, in the long term, enable the development of a culture of safety. Additionally, the chosen alternative indicates that interventions need to be planned and executed together with these stakeholders. Based on this information and aiming to contribute to the planning and execution of improvement actions, a Per Se Technical Report was prepared as a technical-technological product, in accordance with the guidelines of the Master`s Program in Public Management (PPGGP) at UFES.

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