Acceptance and use of the electronic time attendance system at the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo: an analysis based on SIGRH end users.

Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 15/10/2020

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TACIANA DE LEMOS DIAS Internal Examiner *

Summary: The insertion of information technology in public institutions has, over time, taken a progressive scale. Integrated management systems can automate processes, reduce costs, increase the efficiency of services, and guarantee access to information, focusing on technology without considering the human bias that operates this technology. Although an ERP can promote transparency and efficiency, its use is not restricted only to acquisition, installation, and use. Given the pressures from the external environment, coming, in the form of recommendations, from the control bodies, with signs to automate the procedures for recording the frequency of servers of the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo, the electronic module of Frequency Registration was activated in the Integrated System of Human Resources Management - SIGRH, used by Ifes. The problem arises when on one side there is a new technology that must be used and on the other a human being that must be considered. The celerity to comply with an aspect of legality does not annul the human bias. Thus, it is important to analyze the psychosocial factors that precede the intention to use the Attendance Register Module at the Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo. The study is justified by the inexistence, in the organization, of protocol criteria that evaluate the psychosocial aspects of users for the acquisition and implementation of new technologies. The main objective was to analyze the relationship between psychosocial factors and the intention to use the Frequency Register Module of the SIGRH at the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo, broken down into the following specific objectives a) To survey the existing models and methods of analysis psychosocial factors and the intention to use information technology through bibliometric and systematic review of the theories of acceptance and use of technologies; b) To define the model to be used according to the characteristics of the technology and the public that uses the Attendance Register Module of SIGRH; c) To adapt the data collection model in order to analyze the psychosocial factors for the SIGRH`s Attendance Register Module and d) To measure and analyze the psychosocial relations with the intention of using the SIGRH`s Attendance Register Module. In theoretical terms, the research was supported by the theories on acceptance and use of new technologies. As for the methods and procedures, a quantitative approach was used, using the UTAUT model. The data were collected by means of a structured electronic survey, with a 5-point Likert scale, applied to 446 Ifes employees. The Structural Equation Modeling technique was used to treat the collected data, and SmartPLS was applied to determine the relationship between the six variables studied. The data were analyzed using Internal Consistency, Convergent and Discriminant Validity, and Predictive Accuracy tests. The results show that there is no social influence on the intention of using the system, nor conditions that facilitate its use, once there is a legal imposition. From the results, as a technological product, it was prepared the Per Se Technical Report: Proposals for best practices for acceptance and use of the Frequency Recording Module of the SIGRH of the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo by users, which contains proposals for improvements in the Frequency Recording Module of the SIGRH considering the psychosocial aspects of the use of Information Technology.

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