Subsidies for the Development of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of the Student Assistance Public Policy in Brazilian Federal Universities.


Publication date: 22/03/2023

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Summary: Public policies, par excellence, must be supported by best practices and based on robust and scientific evidence, which means the allocation of public resources to what is seen as having the best result within what is expected. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) practices move in this direction: they support the public management of data and information for better decision-making. In the public policy of Student Assistance (SA) it could not be different, in which actions aimed at contributing to the qualified retention of students in their courses, combating retention and evasion must be based on best practices and knowledge. SA programs must be monitored and evaluated to understand where things are going wrong and where they are right, and aim to correct routes or reinforce decisions. Decree No. 7,234, of July 19, 2010, provides for the National Student Assistance Program, PNAES, and defines the guidelines for student assistance programs in federal higher education institutions. At the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), student assistance is structured through the Student Assistance Program (PROAES – UFES). In this context, the research was based on the following problem: PROAES – UFES does not undergo systematic monitoring and evaluation, an issue that is common in other universities, as pointed out in the literature on the subject. The main objective was to identify subsidies for the development of continuous and systematic monitoring and evaluation for student assistance programs at Brazilian federal universities. The research had as a theoretical basis to investigate the M&E of SA programs at federal universities and the analysis of public policies, using the model that considers policies as a cycle, in which Monitoring and Evaluation is one of the stages. Regarding methods and procedures, the research was exploratory-descriptive, with a quantitative approach. Data were collected through questionnaires, with closed questions, sent to all 69 federal universities and answered by a public servant responsible for SA and/or responsible for SA M&E at the institution, obtaining 58 responses (84.1%). The data were tabulated, presented in graph form and analyzed in the light of bibliographical research on M&E studies of student assistance in Brazil. As a result, it was possible to observe that the vast majority of responding universities carry out some level of AE M&A (92.8%), however, several possible gaps in practices were observed, which can be improved. At the end of the research, it was possible to list a series of subsidies for the development of AE M&A in Federal Universities. Based on the results, a proposal for normative monitoring and evaluation of public policy on student assistance for Federal Universities was constructed as a technical product.

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