Administrative sanctions in service contracts:
multi-criteria analysis as an aid to management in a Federal Educational


Publication date: 10/09/2024

Examining board:

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Summary: Introduction: Both public and private companies use outsourcing to optimize and
improve services. Contracts in the Brazilian public service are made through bidding
processes that are regulated by specific laws, which also supervise these contracts. In
order to ensure oversight, public agents are responsible for a series of tasks. One of
these tasks is the application of administrative penalties and sanctions in the event of
irregularities in the execution of contracts. Problem: As a result, one of the pillars of
contract oversight is the application of penalties and sanctions. However, for this to
occur effectively and efficiently, several factors must be taken into consideration, and
the public agent is responsible for carrying them out. However, the lack of adequate
standards or skills (such as training and qualification) makes these agents challenged
when they need to make decisions. In this sense, the main objective of this work was
to raise a set of alternatives that serve as a subsidy to public managers in actions
aimed at procedures for applying administrative sanctions to companies providing
continuous services, in the event of contractual breach. To this end, in the theoretical
framework, in addition to the current legislation, a search was carried out in the
literature for elements focused on the research topic, which were robust enough to
support criteria and subcriteria (attributes) related to the topic, in order to be used in
the operationalization of the multicriteria Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method,
which served as support for carrying out this work. Regarding the methods and
procedures, the approaches used were quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional,
through a survey, which was submitted to the sample online, and the responses were
used by the AHP to select attributes that contribute to the management of
administrative sanctions in service contracts. Finally, the data obtained by the survey
were tabulated and operationalized through the Expert Choice trial version software.
As one of the results of the stakeholders' judgments, there was evidence that the
creation of technical structures and the implementation of controls are options for
managers when it comes to procedures for applying administrative penalties and
sanctions. Thus, such alternatives contributed to the preparation of the conclusive
technical report as a technical-technological product entitled “Administrative
sanctions in service contracts: multicriteria analysis as an aid to management in a
federal educational institution” which aimed to deliver a set of alternatives to support
managers of the Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo (Ifes) in actions aimed at
procedures for applying penalties and sanctions.

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