Solar photovoltaic systems in multiheadquartes
public organizations: Multi-criteria model for selecting future investment sites.
Publication date: 02/12/2024
Examining board:
Name | Role |
LOURENÇO COSTA | Presidente |
Summary: Among renewable energy sources, photovoltaic solar energy is one of the most
promising technologies, with a high level of maturity and rapid growth. One of the
problems associated with the use of this type of energy is the selection of ideal
locations for the installation of plants. Due to the growth and popularization of this
technology worldwide, institutions with more than one headquarters have started to
incorporate the adoption of photovoltaic systems into their strategic planning, in many
cases promoting the indiscriminate expansion of installations. Studies show that
multiheadquartes organizations must be aware of the generation strategy adopted and
that investments in locations that are better evaluated, according to a set of pre-defined
criteria, will provide greater gains. The main objective of this paper is to propose a
multi-criteria model, based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, to assist
in the decision-making process for future investments in plants already installed by
multiheadquartes public organizations, considering technical, economic,
environmental and social factors. To this end, a case study was conducted at the
Federal Institute of Espírito Santo, which currently has 42 installed plants. The
theoretical framework was based on existing literature and provided the basis for
selecting the criteria used in the model. The research had a quantitative approach,
developed as an applied and exploratory research, using bibliographic research and
case studies. Data were collected through documentary research. The research
demonstrated that although a specific plant is classified in a certain position in the
general ranking, this classification reflects its performance in all dimensions. This result
has strong implications for plant managers, who have the possibility of identifying and
prioritizing which of these dimensions are most relevant for each decision to be made.
This offers greater flexibility and the possibility of customizing expansion and
investment strategies, to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of management
actions. The technical-technological product developed at the end of the study consists
of a multi-criteria model to assist managers at the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo in
making decisions about future investments in already installed photovoltaic solar
power plants.